You Are So Close To
Testing Our New
X20 Combat Baton...

For Free If you Choose

Forget knives, forget steel-toed boots, forget brass knuckles. This expandable weapon will allow you to instantly drop a larger attacker to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

And like I said, if you choose you can test-drive this for FREE.

If you're not happy for any reason, even NO reason, then just contact my office and demand a full refund of all your money, but keep the X20 Baton just for checking this out (applies to one X20 Baton per customer).

With only 200 X20 Combat Batons available for this crazy deal I expect these will go fast. Act now while this amazing deal is still available.

X20 Telescoping Combat Baton

Send My
Combat Baton Here:

California, New York and Massachusetts Residents Click Here.

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New Credit Card
Sub Total: 0.00
Shipping: 0.00
Sales Tax: 0.00

Order Total: 0.00

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